Update Bank Account - Cougar Cash Direct
These instructions will explain how to add or update the bank account associated with your Cougar Cash Direct account without needing to switch back to Cougar Cash Prepaid and then back to Cougar Cash Direct again.
1. To begin, navigate to the Cougar Cash page within My Financial Center (https://mfc.byu.edu). Click on the “Manage Account” button shown at the top of the page (see below):
2. Next, click on the “Modify” button on the right side of the Direct row (see below):
3. The next screen will list the bank accounts associated with your BYU account. Select the one you want to use for Cougar Cash Direct, then click “Review." If you don't have a bank account listed, then click "Add Bank Account."
4. Ensure that the information is correct, click the checkbox to show your agreement with the terms and conditions for the payment series, then click "Submit."
5. You will be redirected back to the Cougar Cash page within My Financial Center, and the newly selected bank account will be used going forward to pay the balance accrued by your Cougar Cash Direct account.