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Cashless Campus

Due to the reduction of COVID-19 related restrictions, on-campus retail and dining service providers may start accepting cash again as a payment tender.

The University encourages the continued and increased use of Cougar Cash, which is accepted at all locations and has financial benefits for students and staff. Credit cards will also be accepted.

For those situations where an individual (including campus visitors) has only cash and needs to make a purchase, two options will be available:

  1. The Cougar Cash Deposit Station, located at the Cougareat in the Wilkinson Center. The Value Port machine will dispense a card at no charge that can be loaded with the cash amount desired.
  2. The ID Center, located at 1057 WSC, can load cash onto a campus gift card.

An easy way to take advantage of Cougar Cash is to sign up for Cougar Cash Direct, which is a way to automatically pay for campus purchases with your BYU ID card, similar to a Debit Card transaction. This eliminates the need for you to preload your Cougar Cash account with funds. Easy, automatic, Cougar Cash!

Sign up for Cougar Cash Direct at My Financial Center