Cougar Cash Policies Skip to main content

Cougar Cash Policies

Tuition and Fees

Cougar Cash accounts are not authorized for tuition and fees payments. This includes class fees, student loans, health center fees and insurance, and traffic and parking fees.

Lost and Stolen Cards

If you lose your ID card, deactivate it immediately by logging into your Cougar Cash account. Deactivating your card will protect your funds from unauthorized use.

Fraud Protection

When a card is reported stolen, the ID Center will refund stolen money after you designate unauthorized transactions and file a police report with the University Police. Please bring the police case number to the ID Center.

Meal Plans

If you have a meal plan, your meal plan account and your Cougar Cash account will both be attached to your BYU ID. Any food purchases at Dining Services locations will automatically be deducted first from your meal plan account. All non-Dining Services purchases will then be deducted from your Cougar Cash account.

To purchase a meal plan or for information about meal plan policies, visit All meal plans are administered by the Meal Plan Office, a division of Campus Accommodations, located in 100 SASB. Contact them at 801-422-6944 or

Laundry Discounts for Students Living On Campus

Residents of Helaman Halls, Wymount Terrace, Heritage Halls, and Wyview Park can use Cougar Cash in most laundry facilities at a discounted rate. Refunds for incorrect charges may be requested for up to 30 days by contacting the ID Center.

Freshmen and Transferring Students

To access your Cougar Cash and Meal Plans account before picking up your BYU ID, contact the ID Center.

Vending and Other Refunds

For Cougar Cash vending, printing, copying, and on-campus laundry refund requests, contact the ID Center. You will need to provide your Net ID or ID number, the date and location of the transaction(s), the amount, and the reason for the request.

Refunds to Bank Accounts

Cougar Cash balance refunds can be requested by contacting the ID Center at 801-422-3866. If money has been deposited within the past 6 months the refund will go to the bank account or credit card that deposited the funds. Older deposits will be refunded to the student’s My Financial Center account.

Graduating or Transferring Students

Students that graduate or leave the University will be switched to the Affiliate Prepaid Account and any remaining Prepaid balances will be transferred to the Affiliate Prepaid Account. They will also no longer be eligible to use the Cougar Cash Direct plan.

Retiring or Terminating Employees

Upon termination, employees are no longer eligible for the Cougar Cash Payroll or Cougar Cash Direct plans. They will be switched to the Affiliate Prepaid Account and remaining Prepaid balances will be transferred to the Affiliate Prepaid Account. Faculty or Administrative employees with the Payroll Deduction plan should switch off the Payroll Deduction plan in My Financial Center at least one month prior to leaving BYU. The Faculty/Administrative Payroll Deduction plan works one month behind the payroll schedule.

BYU Affiliates

BYU Affiliates are patrons that have a Cougar Cash account but are not an active employee or student. If a BYU Affiliate has a Cougar Cash account that has been inactive for 3 years or more and a balance of $5 or more it will be transferred to their My Financial Center account. Students who defer to go on a mission will be considered Affiliates and may have their Cougar Cash funds refunded to MFC.
After 3 years of inactivity, any Cougar Cash account held by a BYU affiliate that is under $5 will be charged an inactivity fee of up to $5 in order to clear the balance off the account.

My Financial Center Transfers

Cougar Cash balances that are transferred to My Financial Center will first apply to any outstanding charges on the account, then be refunded according the refund preferences set in My Financial Center. This may take up to 3 weeks. Please contact Financial Services for assistance with My Financial Center, 801-422-4104.

Gift Cards and Courtesy Cards

Gift Cards and Courtesy Cards issued by BYU do not expire. After 3 years of inactivity a fee of $5 per month will be applied to the account until the balance reaches zero.

Account Privacy

Federal law (FERPA) protects a student's privacy in educational records, including any records directly related to a student and maintained by BYU, unless specifically exempted by the act. Cougar Cash account information can only be given to the account holder unless the following exceptions apply:

  • A parent demonstrates that the student is claimed as a dependent for federal tax purposes.
  • BYU has received written consent from the account holder authorizing someone else to access their account information.

When a parent deposits funds or purchases a meal plan for a student, this is considered a gift to the student—similar to giving a gift card. Making a deposit or a purchase for a student does not entitle a parent to request information or make changes to a student’s Cougar Cash account or meal plan—we must have dependent status confirmation or written consent on file.

Billing and Customer Rights

To preserve customer rights under the Federal Electronic Funds Transfer Act, the customer must notify BYU of any billing or statement error within 60 days of the date when the error appeared on the customer’s credit card or bank account.

Brigham Young University reserves the right to set your account balance to a negative amount under certain conditions. Brigham Young University also reserves the right to determine the order that plans will be charged.